berber ne demek?
- Saç ve sakalın kesilmesi, taranması ve yapılması işiyle uğraşan veya bunu meslek edinen kimse.
- Bu işin yapıldığı dükkân
Bütün dükkânlar, bakkallar, berberler, kunduracılar bu ana yolun üzerindedir.
S. F. Abasıyanık - Oyuncuların saçlarını yapan, takma saç, sakal, bıyık hazırlayan kimse.
- Tıraş eden, saç kesen.
Hairdresser, coiffeuse, wig maker.
Member of a race somewhat resembling the Arabs, but often classed as Hamitic, who were formerly the inhabitants of the whole of North Africa from the Mediterranean southward into the Sahara, and who still occupy a large part of that region; called also Kabyles.
Loose term given to various peoples who have inhabited North Africa since before the 7th century Arab conquest of the region.
Loop-pile carpet that offers great durability, a full comfortable texture and a casual, informal look Often, these carpets incorporate flecks of color that contrast with the primary hue The term Berber has expanded to include many level and multi-level loop carpet styles.
Carpeting using flecked yarns and loop styles from large nubby to small tight loops.
Berber, an ethnic group.
Race of dark-skinned North African people Lived in Morocco before the influences of Arabic and Islamic culture reached the area.
Also, the language spoken by this people.
Cluster of related dialects that were once the major language of northern Africa west of Egypt; now spoken mostly in Morocco an ethnic minority descended from Berbers and Arabs and living in northern Africa a member of a Caucasoid Muslim people of northern Africa.
Loop-pile carpet tufted with thick yarn, such as wool, nylon or olefin Often having random specks of color in contrast to a base hue, this floor covering has a full, comfortable feel, while maintaining an informal, casual look Currently, this term has expanded to describe many level or multi-level loop carpet styles In general, larger loops will crush faster than smaller loops because of the air that is added to the fiber during production.
Member of a Caucasoid Muslim people of northern Africa.
An ethnic minority descended from Berbers and Arabs and living in northern Africa.
Cluster of related dialects that were once the major language of northern Africa west of Egypt; now spoken mostly in Morocco.
Frisseur(-euse), Perückenmacher
Coiffeur-perruquier, coiffeuse-perruquière, perruquier(-ère)
- Berberilerle ilgili
Berber atı
- İngiliz atının oluşumuna katılmış Kuzey Afrika kökenli at.
Barber Horse.
berber balığı
- Hanigillerden, kuyruğunun çatalı çok uzun olan, Akdeniz'de yaşayan, eti yenilen bir balık (Serranus anthias).
- Kemikli balıklar (Teleostei) takımının, hanigiller (Serranidae) familyasından, 25 cm kadar uzunlukta, Akdeniz'de yaşayan bir tür.
- Boyları 30 cm olabilen, Ege Denizi ve Akdeniz'de dağılım gösteren, başın yanlarında 3 adet sarı bant bulunan, 10