benlenme ne demek?

  1. Benlenmek işi.


  1. Ben (I) oluşmak
  2. (en)To develop a mole, get a mole on one´s skin.
  3. (en)To become freckled.
  4. (en)(for a ripening fruit) to become flecked with dark spots of color.
  5. (en)For a spot to appear in the eye: Sa? gözü benlendi.
  6. (en)Spot has appeared in his right eye.


  1. Ben (I) oluşmak
  2. (en)To develop a mole, get a mole on one´s skin.
  3. (en)To become freckled.
  4. (en)(for a ripening fruit) to become flecked with dark spots of color.
  5. (en)For a spot to appear in the eye: Sa? gözü benlendi.
  6. (en)Spot has appeared in his right eye.


  1. Ben (I) bulunan
  2. Vücudunda ben bulunan.
  3. (en)Freckled.

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