bass clef ne demek?
- Fa anahtarı.
- Müzikal ses dizilerinde mi ile sol arasındaki ses.
- Bu sesi gösteren nota işareti.
The tone the syllable naming the fourth note of the diatonic scale in solmization.
Families Anonymous A self-help organization for families whose lives have been affected by the addiction of a family member.
Flight Attendant.
-- Russian AF command in charge of tactical fighters FAA - Federal Aviation Administration ; Fleet Air Arm ; -- Argentine AF FAB - -- Brazilian AF FAC - Forward Air Control; -- Chilean AF; -- Colombian AF FAE - Fuel Air Explosives; -- Ecuadorian AF FBW - -- Flight-Control system with electric signaling FCS - Flight Control System fire and forget missile - AAM or ASM with electronic signalling FIS - Fighter Intercept Squadron FLIR - Forward Looking Infra-Red FMS - Foreign Military Sale FSD - Full-Scale Development.
Law and principles in the Buddha School.
Firearms Act FAC: Firearms Acquisition Certificate.
Final approach.
In the Western do re mi, the 4th note, equivalent to ma.
bass clarinet
- Bas klarnet
bass compensation
- Kalin sesleri düzenleme
- Anahtar bass
- Anahtar [müz.], nota anahtarı