bas ne demek?
- En kalın erkek sesi.
- Sesi böyle olan sanatçı.
- En kalın sesli orkestra çalgısı.
- Frekansı genellikle 200 Hz'den düşük kabul edilen ses.
- Cem' etmek, toplamak.
- Gönderme, gönderilme. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: ba's)
- Yeniden dirilme.
Battalion aid station.
British Antarctic Survey BASMU - BAS Medical Unit BAT - British Antarctic Territory BC - Base Commander BGA - Base General Assistant BGS - British Geological Survey BI - Bird Island BSD - Biological Sciences Division.
Broadband Access Server A device that provides connectivity between customer-provisioned DSL services and Network Access Provididers; ie it is the interface between Network Access Providers and Network Service Providers.
Officers and enlisted personnel with BAS authorized on tour orders will automatically be paid BAS for each day of active duty.
Block Acquisition Sequence.
Beef Assurance Scheme.
Medieval category of soft instruments, used principally for indoor occasions, as distinct from haut, or loud, instruments.
Business Application Services A function of the CICSPlex System Management product which manages CICS resource definitions and the CICS installation process.
Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards.
Business Activity Statement.
Basic source code file.
Clear out!/beat it!/get lost!/scram!bass.
Bass guitar.
Basic Allowance for Subsistance.
Battlefield automation systems.
- BASIC dilin uzantısı dosyasının uzantısı (Bilgisayar)
- BASIC programlama dili; numaralı komut hatları kullanan temel programlama dili (Bilgisayar)
bas artış
Bass increment