authors name ne demek?
- Yazar ismi (Yazılışı: author's name)
- Yazarlar
- Yazarlık, muharrirlik, müelliflik
- Kaynak.
- Mektup
- İsim
- Aşk mektubu.
- Kitap, dergi
- Sevgiliye ve aşka ait yazılmış mektup. mektup. kitap, dergi
- Derinin nazik olması. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: na'me)
- Mektub. Risale. Kitap.
- The title by which any person or thing is known or designated; a distinctive specific appellation, whether of an individual or a class.
- Descriptive or qualifying appellation given to a person or thing, on account of a character or acts.
- Reputed character; reputation, good or bad; estimation; fame; especially, illustrious character or fame; honorable estimation; distinction.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
authorsauthorshipauthorauthor abstractauthor authority fileauthor cardauthor catalogauthomatically protectionauth unknownauthenticauthentic actauthentic documentauthenticallyautautacoidautacovarianceautarchautarchicnamename aftername and addressname and famename avoidancename badgename brandname cardname dayname defterinamnam almaknam ı müstear davalarınam planama