nam ı müstear davaları ne demek?

  1. Bk. takma ad davaları

takma ad davaları

  1. Takma adlarla ilgili olarak açılabilen davalar.
  2. (en)Pseudonym cases.
  3. (fr)Cases de pseudonyme


  1. Ad
  2. Ün.
  3. İsim, ad. Lakab. Ün. Şan.
  4. (en)Number Assignment Module The NAM is the electronic memory in the wireless phone that stores the telephone number and an electronic serial number.
  5. (en)Component of a wireless phone that holds in electronic memory the telephone number and ESN of the phone.
  6. (en)Number Assignment Module The NAM is the electronic memory in the cellular phone that stores the telephone number and electronic serial number Phones with dual- or multi-NAM features offer the user the option of registering the phone so that it will have two or more phone numbers.
  7. (en)The NAM or Number Assignment Module is the electronic memory in the cellular phone that stores the telephone number Phones with dual- or multi-NAM features offer users the option of registering the phone with a local number in more than one market.
  8. (en)The NAM is the electronic memory in the cellular phone that stores the telephone number Phones with dual- or multi-NAM features offer users the option of registering the phone with a local number in more than one market.
  9. (en)Network Access Module A special jack into which a printer or computer is plugged to connect to a network.
  10. (en)National Account Manager Title of Ford's fleet field sales representatives.

nam almak

  1. Tanınmak.
  2. Ünlenmek.
  3. Şöhret olmak.


  1. İzolösin amino asit.
  2. Hipoksantin.
  3. İyot.
  4. İnozin.
  5. İyonik kuvvet.
  6. Elektrik akımı.
  7. İyodun simgesi.
  8. Eylemsizlik momenti.
  9. İyonik şiddet.
  10. I-, iyodür iyonunun simgesi. (II)


  1. Eğreti olarak alınmış, takma
  2. Klasik Türk müziğinde bir makam.
  3. (Ariyet. den) Kendi malı olmayan, iğreti alınmış, emaneten alınmış olan.
  4. (en)Borrowed.
  5. (en)Word used metaphorically.
  6. (en)Nom de plume; pseudonym.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

namnam almaknam planamanama muharrernama muharrer hisse senedinama muharrer konşimentonama muharrer tahvilnama yazılı hisse senedinama yazılı konşimentonaNa CMCna tamamiyet hissiNAAnaabıı bandıı bölgesiı hücrelerı sayılı cetvelı2s0 sessizı2s1 sessizıaaıağımıağım çukuru
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