articulated loading platform ne demek?
- Alp
- Alperen, Alpgazi. bu isim İslam'dan sonra da Türkler arasında kullanılmaya devam etti.
- Yiğit, kahraman.
- Alkalen fosfataz.
- Babayiğit, zorlu, cılasın, batur, çora, sökmen, basbak.
- Seyfi kola mensup, savaşçı, fütüvvet ehli.
- Yiğit, kahraman, cesur, bahadır kimse.
- Eski Türklerde kullanılan bir unvan.
- Yürekli, maharetli.
The Adrian renegade, a Venetian by extraction, who forswore the Christian faith to become a commander in the Turkish army He led the host to the siege of Corinth, while that country was under the dominion of the Doge He loved Francesca, daughter of Minotti, governor of Corinth, but she died of a broken heart because he deserted his country and was an apostate The renegade was shot in the siege - Byron: Siege of Corinth.
Annual Leave Payoff Earnings type used when paying the first 240 hours of terminal annual leave for classified staff These earnings are subject to PERS deductions.
- Boğumlu
- Mafsallı
- Eklemlenmiş
- Açıkça söylenmiş
- Eklemli
articulated arm
- Eklemli Kol
- Yükleniyor
- Yükleme
- Yük
- Ağırlaşması veya kalınlaşması için herhangi bir şeye katılan madde
- Yükleme, doldurma, film takma, yük
- Yüksekçe yer.
- Büyük çaplı tabakaların çarpılması ve bunun sonucunda oluşan hafif eğimlerle nitelenen jeolojik yapı tipi.
- Bir siyaset programında, dayanılan düşünce veya düşüncelerin tümü.
Plat; a plan; a sketch; a model; a pattern.
Used also figuratively.
Place laid out after a model.
Any flat or horizontal surface; especially, one that is raised above some particular level, as a framework of timber or boards horizontally joined so as to form a roof, or a raised floor, or portion of a floor; a landing; a dais; a stage, for speakers, performers, or workmen; a standing place.
Declaration of the principles upon which a person, a sect, or a party proposes to stand; a declared policy or system; as, the Saybrook platform; a political platform.
Light deck, usually placed in a section of the hold or over the floor of the magazine.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
articulatedarticulated armarticulated busarticulated jointarticulated lorryarticulated shaftarticulated vehiclearticulatearticulate toarticulataarticulacyarticulararticular condylarisarticular musclearticular rheumatismloadingloading and unloadingloading and unloading costsloading bridgeloading capacityloading chargesloading coilloading doseloading gaugeloading hopperloadload and goload balancingload capacitanceload capacity