arena ne demek?
- Boğa güreşi, yarış, oyun vb. türlü gösteriler yapılan alan.
- Siyasi çekişmelerin geçtiği yer.
- Bk. Alan.
- Granitli kayaçların ufalanması sonucu ortaya çıkan madde.
Any place of public contest or exertion; any sphere of action; as, the arenaof debate; the arena of life.
Sand' or 'gravel' in the kidneys.
Playing field where sports events take place the central area of an ancient Roman amphitheater where contests and spectacles were held; especially a sand-strewn area.
Bull ring.
Particular environment or walk of life; 'his social sphere is limited'; 'it was a closed area of employment'; 'he's out of my orbit'.
The central area of an ancient Roman amphitheater where contests and spectacles were held; especially a sand-strewn area.
Large structure for open-air sports or entertainments.
Playing field where sports events take place.
Stage entirely surrounded by the audience; also known as theater-in-the-round.
Sports hall.
The central open space of an amphitheater; also, any building for public contests or displays in the open air.
An industrial sector within which a practice occurs.
The area in the central part of an amphitheater, in which the gladiators fought and other shows were exhibited; so called because it was covered with sand.
In an arena audience members are seated in tiers on three sides of the stage in a configuration that resembles a horseshoe The Perelman Theater's center section of seats is removable, allowing for arena seating.
Also called 'theatre-in-the-round ' The audience completely surrounds the stage.
Space where action takes place; surrounded by seats In an amphitheater the area was usually sanded for gladiator contests.
An area from which shared memory is allocated Usually the arena is the default one created by pfInit or pfInitArenas, but some objects may be created in any arena returned by acreate OpenGL Performer calls that accept an arena pointer as an argument can also accept the NULL pointer, indicating that the memory should be allocated from the heap See also heap.
An experimental Web browser program, being developed at CERN.
Professional theater company in Washington D.
Part of the ancient amphitheatre strewed with sand and used for the combats of gladiators and wild beasts.
Huge structure, focused around organized battles There is a small community of residents comprised of gladiators, shopkeepers, scribes, etc The arena is often viewed as a city in its own right.
All of the playing squares of a pyramid chess game.
Portion of memory shared by OpenGL Performer processes.
Circus ring , arena.
- Arena, oyun meydanı, amfiteatrın ortasında bulunan meydan
- Mücadele alanı.
- Arena, mücadele alanı, alan, meydan, sahne
- Bir alıcı merceğinin net bir görüntü sağlayabildiği derinlik ve genişliğin bütünü.
- İçinde birtakım kuvvet çizgilerinin yayılmış bulunduğu varsayılan uzay parçası.
- Yarışmaların, karşılaşmaların ve oyunların yapıldığı yer, saha.
- Eski Roma'da açık hava gösterisi yapılan geniş yer.
- Orman içinde düz ve ağaçsız yer, düzlük, kayran.
- Düz, açık ve geniş yer, meydan, saha.
- Yüz ölçümü.
- Bir çalışma çevresi
- Bir özdeğin, bir mıknatısın ya da bir elektrik yükü'nün çevresinde uyarılan kendini kuvvet etkisi ile belli eden yönleçsel, doğabilimsel nicelik.
- Anatomide sınırları belirlenmiş yüzey
arena stage
- Alan tiyatrosu
- Kumlu, kum gibi.
- Kumlu