argon ne demek?
- Atom numarası 18, atom ağırlığı 39,9 olan, havada % 1 oranında bulunan, rengi, kokusu ve tadı olmayan bir element (simgesi Ar).
- Yun. Kim: A sembolü ile gösterilen renksiz, kokusuz ve tatsız bir gaz. Havada % 1 nisbetinde bulunur.
- A. A. 39.95, A. S. 18 olan asal gaz elementi.
Symbol, A; at.
Colorless, odorless element Uses include shield in arc welding, furnace brazing, electric and specialized light bulbs and for use in geiger-counting tubes, and lasers Hazard: May cause dizziness and drowsiness and rapid suffocation In liquid form, is extremely cold and may cause frostbite.
Nontoxic gas that is heavier than air, therefore it reduces the transfer of heat and cold It also reduces noise.
An inert gas used in incandescent and fluorescent lamps Inincandescent lamps it helps to retard evaporation of tungsten filament.
Dense gas generally used to insulate drysuit diving Not for breathing purposes.
Gas which, when mixed with mercury, is used in fluorescent lamps and neon tubes In neon tubes, the combination of gases creates a blue color In a neon tube by itself, argon is a pale lavender.
Substance regarded as an element, contained in the atmosphere and remarkable for its chemical inertness.
It has a characteristic spectrum.
No compounds of it are known, but there is physical evidence that its molecule is monatomic.
Colorless, odorless inert gas sometimes used in the spaces between the panes in energy efficient windows This gas is used because it will transfer less heat than air Therefore, it provides additional protection against conduction and convection of heat over conventional double -pane windows.
Colorless, odorless, non-toxic gas used to fill the airspace between panes of Insulating Glass The addition of argon greatly increases the thermal performance of a window by minimizing heat transfer.
Argon is a natural element that comes in a gaseous form It will not react with other elements so it makes a good air-replacement insulator for use in experiments Small amounts of argon exist in the Earth's atmosphere.
An inert gas typically used in deposition systems.
An inert, nontoxic gas used in insulating windows to reduce heat transfer.
Gas and air constituent used to fill insulating units to increase thermal performance in windows.
An inert gas that makes up less than one percent of air.
- Argon
- Argon.
argon atmosferi
- Isıl işlem fırınlarında, koruyucu olarak kullanılan argon asal gazından oluşan atmosfer.
Argon atmosphere.
argon atmosphere
- Argon atmosferi