april 1 ne demek?
- Nisan 1
- Yılın otuz gün süren, dördüncü ayı, abril, april
- Sur
- Bolluk, bereket, cömertlik
- Yılın dördüncü ayı.
The first month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, formerly answering nearly to the month of April, now to March, of the Christian calendar.
The first month of the Jewish/Semitic calendar year It occurs in March/April.
The seventh month of the year in the Jewish calendar -- Seph28.
First liturgical Jewish month This is the religious calendar order given by God in Exodus 12.
The seventh month of the civil year; the first month of the ecclesiastic year.
april decisions
- 5 nisan kararları
april fool
- Nisan 1 şakası yapmak
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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