annotation reference mark ne demek?

  1. Ek açıklama referans imi

annotation reference

  1. Ek Açıklama Başvurusu


  1. Notlarla açıklama
  2. Not
  3. Çıkma
  4. Dipnot


  1. Kaynakçayı işaretlemek (kitap)
  2. Havale etme veya olunma
  3. Münasebet, ilgi
  4. Kinaye, ima, telmih
  5. Müracaat
  6. Müracaat kitabı veya yeri
  7. Tavsiye eden kimse
  8. Tavsiyename, ehliyetname, referans
  9. Bir kitabın içine müracaat yerlerini işaret etmek


  1. Alman para birimi.
  2. Finlandiya para birimi, markka.
  3. İm
  4. İmlemek
  5. Damga vurmak
  6. (en)Number or letter indicating quality ; 'she made good marks in algebra'; 'grade A milk'; 'what was your score on your homework?'.
  7. (en)Distinguishing symbol; 'the owner's mark was on all the sheep'.
  8. (en)Reference point to shoot at; 'his arrow hit the mark'.
  9. (en)Visible indication made on a surface; 'some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks'; 'paw prints were everywhere'.
  10. (en)Symbol of disgrace or infamy; 'And the Lord set a mark upon Cain'--Genesis.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

annotation referenceannotationannotation editannotation formatannotation markannotation mark numberannotation moveannotation paneannotation symbolannotation textannotatingannotateannotate toannotatedannotated bibliographyreferencereference addressreference atn facilityreference bankreference bokreference bookreference booksreference cardreference concentrationreference conditionsrefereereferee in bankruptcyrefereeingreferrefer torefer to a dictionaryreferablereferandum
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