aksillar meristem ne demek?
- Yaprak tabanında bulunan koltuk altı tomurcuklarının uç (apikal) meristemi.
Axillary meristem.
Meristeme axillaire
Axilla: koltuk altı çukuru
aksillar ak zar
- Musculi pectorales superficiales ile latissimus dorsi'nin yan kenarını birleştiren ak zar, fasya aksillaris.
- Mm. pectorales superficiales ile latissimus dorsi'nin yan kenarını birleştiren ak zar, fasya aksillaris.
Fascia axillaris.
Fascia axillaris
- Koltuk altıyla ilgili olan
- Koltuk altına ait
- Sürgen doku.
- Sürekli olarak bölünebilme yeteneğine sahip hücrelerin oluşturduğu embriyonik doku.
Group of undifferentiated cells from which new tissues are produced Most plants have apical meristems which give rise to the primary tissues of plants, and some have secondary meristems which add wood or bark.
Specialized area within a plant where cell division occurs very rapidly Lateral meristems, for example, exist near root and shoot tips to facilitate cell division and, hence, vertical plant growth.
Region of a plant in which active cell division occurs, the cells of the meristem being undifferentiated into a specialized form Meristematic tissues occur at the root and shoot tips giving growth in length.
Localised region of active cell division Apical meristems are found at the tips of stems and roots The lateral meristem is found just under the bark in trees.
Embryonic tissue in plant, which allows for indeterminate growth.
Region of active growth in a wine, made up of meristematic cells which divide to form new cells during growth.
Tissue of growing cells, or cells capable of further division.
Undifferentiated tissue from which new cells are formed, as at the tip of a stem or root.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
aksillar ak zaraksillarisaksillaaksilleraksiller apseaksilar plasentasyonaksilenmeaksilenmekaksileşmeaksileşmekaksiaksi aksiaksi belirtilmedikçeaksi cereyanaksi davameristemmeristem culturemeristem dokumeristem halkasımeristem kültürümeristem ringmeristem tissuemeristematic ringmeristematic tissuemeristematik dokumerisizmmerismopedimerimericmerica ayıracımericarpmeriç