advanced computing environment ne demek?

  1. Ace


  1. Teniste rakibin karşılayamadığı, doğrudan doğruya sayı getiren servis.
  2. Anjiyotensin dönüştürücü enzim için kullanılan kısaltma.
  3. Anjiyotensin çevirici enzim.
  4. (en)Serve that the receiver is unable to reach.
  5. (en)Unit; a single point or spot on a card or die; the card or die so marked; as, the ace of diamonds.
  6. (en)Succeed at easily; 'She sailed through her exams'; 'You will pass with flying colors'; 'She nailed her astrophysics course'.
  7. (en)Hence: A very small quantity or degree; a particle; an atom; a jot.
  8. (en)Score an ace against; 'He aced his opponents'.
  9. (en)Play in one stroke.
  10. (en)Serve an ace against.


  1. Gelişmiş, modern, öncü
  2. İleri düzeyde
  3. Görmüş geçirmiş
  4. İlerlemiş, ileri

advanced aerodrome

  1. İleri hava meydanı
  2. Gelişmiş havaalanı


  1. Programlama, hesaplama, biçim verme, sayma
  2. [compute] hesaplamak, hesap etmek; bilgisayar kullanmak


  1. Çevre
  2. Ortam
  3. Bkz. environman
  4. Dış etkiler
  5. Etraf

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

advancedadvanced aerodromeadvanced ageadvanced at full steamadvanced authoradvanced buttonadvanced compressionadvanced configurationadvanced configuration and power advanced connectionadvanceadvance amountadvance billadvance bookingadvance booking chartercomputingcomputing control circuitcomputing enthusiastcomputing machinecomputing systemcomputabilitycomputablecomputable functioncomputationcomputationalcompulsioncompulsion or pressurecompulsivecompulsive rulescompulsively
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