çin dominosu ne demek?
çin dili ve edebiyatı
- Büklüm.
- Üzerleri noktalarla işaretli dikdörtgen biçiminde yirmi sekiz taşla masa üzerinde oynanan bir oyun
- Maskeli balolarda giyilen kukuletalı uzun giysi.
The game is played by matching the spots or the blank of an unmatched half of a domino already played One of the pieces with which the game of dominoes is played.
Small rectangular block used in playing the game of dominoes; the face of each block has two equal areas that can bear 0 to 6 dots a mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes a loose hooded cloak worn with a half mask as part of a masquerade costume United States rhythm and blues pianist and singer and composer.
United States rhythm and blues pianist and singer and composer.
Loose hooded cloak worn with a half mask as part of a masquerade costume.
Mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes.
Small rectangular block used in playing the game of dominoes; the face of each block has two equal areas that can bear 0 to 6 dots.
Software from Lotus Development Corporation, used for developing interactive applications that run on Web servers.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
çin dili ve edebiyatıçinçin anasonuçin balmumuçin bulmacasıçin çamıçin çayıçin filolojisiçin geyiğiçin gizli derneğiçiçi potansiyeliçibançibikçiçedominosdominodomino giymiş olandomino oyunudomino taşıdomino teorisidominadominancedominansdominantdominant closed loop polesdomicdomicaldomicildomiciledomicile by birth