yama ne demek?
- Delik ve yırtığı uygun bir parça ile onarma, kapatma.
Çorapları yamalıydı, sanırım yeni çorap alacak kadar parası yoktu.
- Bu iş için kullanılan parça
Bereket versin benim tente yaması içindeki paracıklara.
A. Gündüz - Deride geniş leke.
- Negatif kurgusunda eşlemeyi sağlamak ya da çekimlerin gerçek uzunluğunu korumak amacıyla, görüntü ya da ses kuşağının eksik bölümlerinin yerine eklenen kılavuz
- Çalışma ya da dağıtım eşlemlerinin bozulmuş bölümlerinin yerini almak üzere hazırlanmış parça.
- Vücudun bir bölgesini örtmek veya bir eksikliği desteklemek için eklenen bir parça canlı doku, greft.
The king of the infernal regions, corresponding to the Greek Pluto, and also the judge of departed souls.
In later times he is more exclusively considered the dire judge of all, and the tormentor of the wicked.
He is represented as of a green color, with red garments, having a crown on his head, his eyes inflamed, and sitting on a buffalo, with a club and noose in his hands.
Hindu god of death and lord of the underworld.
Judge of departed souls, the Minos of the Hindus He is represented as of a green colour, and sits on a buffalo.
Restriction There are five yamas which constitute the first of the eight limbs of raja yoga See raja yoga and ashtanga pages.
Hindu god of death, generally pictured in mythology as a large dark skinned man, carrying a mace, and riding a buffalo.
Reprint, slug, build-up.
Covering with a patch.
Darning patch.
Mending patch.
God of Death; ruler of the realm of the dead the 'Land of the Fathers': he was the first man to die and therefore the welcomer of others to his realm.
Controller, Ordainer, Lord of the Law; in the Rg-veda he seems to have been originally a form of the Sun, then one of the twin children of the wide-shining Lord of the Truth; he is the guardian of the dharma, the law of the Truth, which is a condition of immortality, and therefore himself the guardian of immortality; in the later ideas [post-Vedic] he is the God of Death.
The king of death, a Vedic deity.
Righteous behaviour.
yama alopesisi
- Köpek, kedi, at ve sığırlarda, iç salgı bezlerinin bozukluğundan kaynaklanan odak veya odaklar h
yama bagi
Carrick bend