worse off ne demek?

  1. Maddi durumu daha fena

worse and worse

  1. Gitgide kötüleşen, giderek bozulan

worse luck

  1. Maalesef


  1. Kapalı
  2. (edat) uzağa
  3. Ileriye, ileride
  4. Öteye, ötede
  5. Yanda
  6. Tamamen
  7. Uzakta
  8. Uzak
  9. Yanlış
  10. Uygun olmayan, anormal

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

worse and worseworse luckworse stillworse than everworseworsenworseningworcationworcesterworcester sosworcestershireworcestershire sauceoffoff and onoff baseoff boardoff centeroff chanceoff coloroff colouroff course correctionoff dayofof a certain ageof a certain lengthof a certain qualityof a collapse
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