wine and dine ne demek?
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wine and dine smb
- Ağırlamak, yedirip içirmek
wine and dine smb.
- Ağırlamak, yedirip içirmek
- Yemin içmek, yemin etmek.
- (İngilizce) ve, ile, de
- (bağlaç) ve, de, ile
- Konaklama yeri
To dine upon; to have to eat.
Give dinner to; host for dinner; 'I'm wining and dining my friends' have supper; eat dinner; 'We often dine with friends in this restaurant'.
Have supper; eat dinner; 'We often dine with friends in this restaurant'.
Give dinner to; host for dinner; 'I'm wining and dining my friends'.
Qui dort dine The seven sleepers and others required no food till they woke from their long sleep The same may be said of all hibernating animals To dine with Democritos To be cheated out of one's dinner Democritos was the derider or philosopher who laughed at men's folly To dine with Sir Thomas Gresham To go without one's dinner; to be dinnerless; Sir Thomas Gresham founded the Royal Exchange which was a favourite lounge for those who could not afford to provide themselves with a dinner To dine with Duke Humphrey To dine with Mahomet To die and dine in paradise To dine with the cross-legged knights.
It was the custom in Egypt to dine at noon But it is probable that the Egyptians took their principal meal in the evening, as was the general custom in the East.
To eat the principal regular meal of the day; to take dinner.
To give a dinner to; to furnish with the chief meal; to feed; as, to dine a hundred men.
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Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
wine and dine smbwine and dine smb.winewine barwine barrelwine bottlewine bucketwine caskwine cellarwine colo redwinwin by a lengthwin by defaultwin easilywin hands downandand a bitand a halfand a lot moreand alsoand b printingand b windingand connectiveand d speedand dağlarıanan abbreviated signaturean abbreviation of carabineran abbreviation of kilograman absolute must