whisper headers ne demek?

  1. Fısıltı üstlükleri


  1. Fısıldarken çıkan, güçlükle duyulan ses
  2. (en)Aside.
  3. (en)Whisper.
  4. (en)Breath.
  5. (en)Mutter.

whisper box

  1. Fısıltı kutusu

whisper sweet nothings

  1. Boş sözlerle avutmak


  1. Üstbilgi

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

whisper boxwhisper sweet nothingswhisperwhispererwhisperingwhispering campaignwhisperinglywhishwhishtwhiskwhisk awaywhisk broomwhichwhich bus goes to city hallwhich bus goes to downtownwhich bus goes to the airportwhich can carry tonsheadersheaders and footersheaders onlyheaderheader and footerheader areaheader baseheader cellheadedheaded forheaded intoheaded towardheaded towardsheadhead amphead and shouldershead and shoulders abovehead binding
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