weight lifting ne demek?
- Halter sporu
- Birbirine metal sapla bağlanmış iki gülle veya disklerden yapılmış araç.
- Bu aracı iki elle kaldırmayı amaçlayan spor dalı.
- Bk. tokmakçık
- Diptera dizisindeki sineklerde u--cüs-- esnasında dengenin sağlanması için gerekli olan metatorakstaki kanat kalıntıları.
One who halts or limps; a cripple.
Strong strap or cord.
Bridport dagger St Johnstone's tippet.
This is a harness of leather, rope, or nylon that fits over a horse's head This is much like a bridle without the bit or reins Its use is for leading a horse.
weight lifter
- Halterci
weight list
- Çeki listesi
- Kaldırma
- Kaldırma, germe
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
weight lifterweight listweight lfitingweight lossweight a tonweight categoryweight certificateweight controlweight control clinicweightweight downweight functionweight in gramsweighweigh againstweigh against smbweigh against smb.weigh anchorliftinglifting airscrewlifting blocklifting capacitylifting condensation levellifting cranelifting cylinderlifting devicelifting forcelifting jackliftlift a banlift an anchorlift and force pumplift attendant