vill ne demek?
- Köy, nahiye, küçük kırsal yerleşim alanı
- Bucak, kaza
- İngiltere'de yönetim bölgelerine karar vermiş olan eski bir mülk
- Yazlıkta veya şehir dışında, bahçeli, müstakil ev
Country seat; a country or suburban residence of some pretensions to elegance.
Pretentious and luxurious country residence with extensive grounds country house in ancient Rome consisting of residential quarters and farm buildings around a courtyard detached or semi-detached suburban house Mexican revolutionary leader.
Expensive detached house with a garden.
Country box.
Mexican revolutionary leader.
Detached or semi-detached suburban house.
Country house in ancient Rome consisting of residential quarters and farm buildings around a courtyard.
Pretentious and luxurious country residence with extensive grounds.
It A country-home Sometimes used in the hotel industry to describe a small, separate suite or cottage.
- Villager: köylü
- Köy
- Köy halkı