vespertilionid bats ne demek?

  1. Fare kulaklı yarasagiller


  1. Sıçangillerden, küçük vücutlu, kemirgen, memeli hayvan (Mus).
  2. Sıçan.
  3. Memeliler (Mammalia) sınıfının, kemiriciler (Rodentia) takımından, sıçanımsılar'a (Myomorpha) mensup memelilerin genel adı.
  4. (en)Dormouse.
  5. (en)To go; to pass; to journey; to travel.
  6. (en)To be in any state, or pass through any experience, good or bad; to be attended with any circummstances or train of events, fortunate or unfortunate; as, he fared well, or ill.
  7. (en)To be treated or entertained at table, or with bodily or social comforts; to live.
  8. (en)To happen well, or ill; used impersonally; as, we shall see how it will fare with him.
  9. (en)To behave; to conduct one's self.
  10. (en)Journey; a passage.


  1. Bk. fare kulaklı yarasagiller


  1. Yarasa


  1. Vuruş yapmak, vurmak (topa); kırpmak
  2. Çılgın, kaçık, üşŸütük, deli (Argo)

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