variety of mint ne demek?
- Bergamot
- Turunçgillerden bir ağaç (Citrus bergamia).
- Bu ağacın, kabuklarından reçel yapılan ve esans çıkarılan meyvesi.
- Turunçgiller (Rutaceae) familyasından, taze meyvelerinden bergamut esansı elde edilen ve parfümeri sanayiinde kullanılan ağaçsı bitkiler.
- Turunçgillerden bir ağaç ve bu ağacın meyvesi. Meyvenin kabuğundan güzel kokulu bir esans da çıkarılır.
Citrus tree,bergamot orange.
Tree of the Orange family , having a roundish or pear-shaped fruit, from the rind of which an essential oil of delicious odor is extracted, much prized as a perfume.
Also, the fruit.
Variety of mint.
The essence or perfume made from the fruit.
Variety of pear.
variety of mandarin orange
- Satsuma
variety of carrier pigeon
- Dragon
- Sıkıntı, bezginlik, usanç, acı, yorgunluk vb. duyguları belirten bir söz
In a general sense, from, or out from; proceeding from; belonging to; relating to; concerning; used in a variety of applications; as: Denoting that from which anything proceeds; indicating origin, source, descent, and the like; as, he is of a race of kings; he is of noble blood.
Denoting possession or ownership, or the relation of subject to attribute; as, the apartment of the consul: the power of the king; a man of courage; the gate of heaven.
Denoting the material of which anything is composed, or that which it contains; as, a throne of gold; a sword of steel; a wreath of mist; a cup of water.
Oil filters.
Denoting part of an aggregate or whole; belonging to a number or quantity mentioned; out of; from amongst; as, of this little he had some to spare; some of the mines were unproductive; most of the company.
Prep w dat , from, out of, of, away from, contrary to, by.
Denoting that by which a person or thing is actuated or impelled; also, the source of a purpose or action; as, they went of their own will; no body can move of itself; he did it of necessity.
Optional Form Source: US EPA.
- Nane
- Para basmak
- Darphane, para basılan resmi yer
- Icat etmek
- Büyük mebla (özellikle para)
- Uydurmak
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
variety of mandarin orangevariety of carrier pigeonvariety of pearvariety of pies and cakesvariety of sea shellvarietyvariety in foodvariety meatvariety of waysvariety of zirconvarietalvarietallyvarietevariedvaried workvariednessvariegatevariegate leafofof a certain ageof a certain lengthof a certain qualityof a collapseof a deviceof a good familyof a hogof a kindof a moment agooo henryo ağır yaralıo anda söylemeko anda uydurmak