twenty fourth ne demek?

  1. Yirmidördüncü


  1. (en)Twenty fourth

twenty four

  1. Yirmidört

twenty four hours

  1. Yirmi dört saat


  1. Dördüncü
  2. Dörtte bir
  3. Do ile fa arasındaki aralık
  4. Dörtte bir, do ile fa arasındaki aralık

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

twenty fourtwenty four hourstwenty fifthtwenty firsttwenty fivetwenty five percenttwentytwenty eighttwenty ninetwenty ninthtwentiestwentiethtweaktweakertweetweedtweedlefourthfourth degree burnfourth dimensionfourth estatefourth generation computerfourth of julyfourth onefourth panelfourth panelfourth positionfourth questionfourteenfourteenthfourteenthlyfourfour and onefour and threefour and twofour bladed
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