twenty fourth ne demek?
- Yirmidördüncü
Twenty fourth
twenty four
- Yirmidört
twenty four hours
- Yirmi dört saat
- Dördüncü
- Dörtte bir
- Do ile fa arasındaki aralık
- Dörtte bir, do ile fa arasındaki aralık
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
twenty fourtwenty four hourstwenty fifthtwenty firsttwenty fivetwenty five percenttwentytwenty eighttwenty ninetwenty ninthtwentiestwentiethtweaktweakertweetweedtweedlefourthfourth degree burnfourth dimensionfourth estatefourth generation computerfourth of julyfourth onefourth panelfourth panelfourth positionfourth questionfourteenfourteenthfourteenthlyfourfour and onefour and threefour and twofour bladed