triton ne demek?
- Trityumun, bir protondan ve iki nötrondan oluşan atom çekirdeği.
- Bir proton ve iki nötrondan oluşan trityum (H-3) çekirdeği.
- The common European species are Hemisalamandra cristata, Molge palmata, and.
- Alpestris, a red-bellied species common in Switzerland.
- See Illust.
- Under Salamander.
- Tropical marine gastropods having beautifully colored spiral shells a sea god; son of Poseidon.
- Sea god; son of Poseidon.
- Tropical marine gastropods having beautifully colored spiral shells.
- Small usually bright-colored semiaquatic salamanders of North America and Europe and northern Asia.
- Variety of sea shell.
- Fabled sea demigod, the son of Neptune and Amphitrite, and the trumpeter of Neptune.
- He is represented by poets and painters as having the upper part of his body like that of a man, and the lower part like that of a fish.
- He often has a trumpet made of a shell.
- Any one of many species of marine gastropods belonging to Triton and allied genera, having a stout spiral shell, often handsomely colored and ornamented with prominent varices.
- Some of the species are among the largest of all gastropods.
- Called also trumpet shell, and sea trumpet.
- Any one of numerous species of aquatic salamanders.
- The most common species of the United States is Diemyctylus viridescens.
- Satellite of Neptune orbiting at a mean distance of 354,000 kilometers.
- TRIangle Trans-Ocean buoy Network, maintained by JAMSTEC in collaboration with TAO.
- Yarısı adam yarısı balık olan deniz mabudu
- H., zool
- Triton, yarı insan yarı balık olan deniz tanrısı, helezoni deniz kabuğu, bir tür deniz salyangozu
triton x 100
- İyonik olmayan, yüzey aktif, organik bir biyolojik deterjan.
- Üç sesli parça