total organic carbon ne demek?
- Toc
Total organic carbon.
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- Bütünsel.
- Toplam
Whole; not divided; entire; full; complete; absolute; as, a total departure from the evidence; a total loss.
The whole; the whole sum or amount; as, these sums added make the grand total of five millions.
Complete amount of buy or sell interest, as opposed to having more behind it See: Partial.
Used in the context of general equities Complete amount of buy or sell interest, versus having more behind it See: partial.
Pertains to the constituents in an unfiltered, representative water-suspended-sediment sample This term is used only when the analytical procedure ensures measurement of at least 95 percent of the constituent present in both dissolved and suspended phases of the sample Knowledge of the expected form of the constituent in the sample, as well as the analytical methodology used, is required to judge when the results should be reported as 'total.
Total function is one that is defined on every possible input.
Total On-Line Tax and Accounting Library.
total abstainer
- Içki içmeyen kimse
- Organik
- Yapısal, bedensel, organlara ait, örgütsel
- Örgensel
- Yaşayan, canlı
- Karbon, karbon kömür, karbon kağıdı, kopya kağıdı
- Karbon
- Kopya kağıdı, kopya kağıdı ile çıkarılmış nüsha, suret
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
totaltotal abstainertotal abundancetotal acid numbertotal acidtytotal allocation unitstotal ammonia nitrogentotal amounttotal asitliktotal assimilationtottot uporganicorganic acidorganic baseorganic biyoorganic chemistorganic chemistryorganic compaundorganic composition of capitalorganic compoundorganic diseaseorganorgan aktarımıorgan anatomisiorgan bağışı kartıorgan bank