ton ne demek?
- Bir metre küp hacminde ve + 4 °C'deki arı suyun ağırlığı.
- Bin kilogramlık ağırlık birimi.
- İnsan veya çalgı sesinin yükseklik, alçaklık derecesi
Sesinin tonunda siteminin şiddetini azaltan bir yumuşama vardı.
N. Ataç - Konuşmada sesin duyguları belirtecek biçimde çıkması
Bunun farkında olmadan, üstelik de hiç istemeden içli bir tonla söylemiş olacağım.
H. Taner - Bir rengin koyuluk veya açıklık derecesi
Siyah ve beyazın tonlarını son derece hünerle kaynaştırır.
Y. Z. Ortaç - Ses titreşimlerinin yükselip açılması, titrem.
- Sesin değişik düzeylerdeki frekanslarının işitsel algısı.
- Tını
- Bk. titrem
- Tek frekansın ses dalgası. Bu terim, birden fazla tonun müzik kombinasyonları için de kullanılır.
- Bir renkteki derinlik ve parlaklık.
- Hayvan dokusunda, özellikle adelelerde, gerginlik ve esneklik.
- Bk. koyuluk
The common tunny, or horse mackerel.
Short ton.
The prevailing fashion or mode; vogue; as, things of ton.
Measure of weight or quantity.
The weight of twenty hundredweight.
Metric ton.
Forty cubic feet of space, being the unit of measurement of the burden, or carrying capacity, of a vessel; as a vessel of 300 tons burden.
Certain weight or quantity of merchandise, with reference to transportation as freight; as, six hundred weight of ship bread in casks, seven hundred weight in bags, eight hundred weight in bulk; ten bushels of potatoes; eight sacks, or ten barrels, of flour; forty cubic feet of rough, or fifty cubic feet of hewn, timber, etc.
The unit of measurement for air conditioning system capacity One ton of air conditioning removes 12,000 Btu's of heat energy per hour from a home Central air conditioners are sized in tons Residential units usually range from 1 to 5 tons.
The unit of measure for an air conditioning system's capacity One ton of air conditioning removes 12,000 BTUs of heat energy per hour from a home Residential air conditioners usually range from one to five tons Typically used as a measure for central air conditioners.
You'll often see this as a measurement of the capacity of an air conditioning system Don't panic, it doesn't measure weight! Just like gas and oil furnaces, air conditioners and heat pumps are rated in Btu's One ton of air conditioning is 12,000 Btu's per hour This means that a 'one ton' air conditioning system has the capability of removing 12,000 Btu's of heat per hour fr om your home.
Cooling unit of measure Heat pumps and air conditioners are generally sized in tons Typical sizes for single-family residences are between two and five tons Each ton equals 12,000 BTUH.
Unit of measurement for determining cooling capacity One ton of cooling equals 12,000 BTU.
Heat pumps and air conditioners are generally sized in tons Typical sizes for single family residences are between two and five tons Each ton equals 12,000Btuh It is important to note that actual capacity is not constant and will change based on outdoor or indoor temperatures The published capacity rating of air conditioners and heat pumps is based on performance at the ARI standard temperature levels of 95 F outside, 80 F inside.
Heat pumps and air conditioners are generally sized in tons Typical sizes for single family residences are between two and five tons Each ton equals 12,000 Btuh.
You'll often see this as a measurement of the capacity of an air conditioning system Don't panic, it doesn't measure weight! Just like gas and oil furnaces, air conditioners and heat pumps are rated in Btu's One ton of air conditioning is 12,000 Btu's per hour This means that a 'one ton' air conditioning system has the capability of removing 12,000 Btu's of heat per hour from your home.
Unit of measurement used for determining cooling capacity One ton is the equivalent of 12,000 BTU's per hour.
Of Toe.
One ton equals 12,000 BTUs of cooling per hour.
United States unit of weight equivalent to 2000 pounds.
Threshold Odor Number Unit of measure used to describe that level at which an odor is detected The higher the number, the more noticeable the odor.
British unit of weight equivalent to 2240 pounds.
Unit of weight If not otherwise specified, a short ton equal to 2 000 pounds is assumed A long ton equals 2 240 pounds A metric ton equals 1 000 kilogams , also called a tonne.
Short ton or 2000 pounds.
Shade , audio , chime , clay , sound , tone.
Measure of mass or weight used in the United States for large size objects -- 'Convert 9500 pounds to tons.
Unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds.
Imperial ton or US ton.
1,000 kg.
Means 2000 pounds avoirdupois.
- Moda.
- Ton, moda, şıklık
- Ton, (A.B.D.), (Kanada) 2000 libre (909 kilo)
- İng
- Ton.
- Bir telin tınlaması devam ederken tele ikinci kez vurulmaksızın, parmağın bulunduğu perdeden kaldırmadan bir yukarı bir aşağı hızlıca hareket ettirilmesi yöntemi.
- Ses titreşimlerinin yükselip alçalması.
- Bir sesin diklikle belirlenen özelliği
- İki ses arasındaki aralığı ölçmede kullanılan birim.
ton ağacı
- Yapımında kullanıldığı çalgı aletine öz yankısal yeterlilik sağlayabilecek ve bu nedenle çalgı yapımında geleneksel olarak kullanılan ağaç türlerinin genel adı.
ton ağımı
- Bir kelimenin sonundaki hecenin öncekilerden daha yüksek söylenmesi.