thousand each ne demek?
- Biner
- Bin sayısının üleştirme biçimi, her birine bin, her defasında bini bir arada olan.
- Bk. ikili
- Bin-er.
Thousand each.
An abbreviation of carabiner.
Short for carabiner.
American for carabiner which has too many syllables in.
Abbreviation for caribiner, a short loop of metal with a gate on it to attach things together.
Abbreviation for carabiner, a short loop of metal with a gate on it to attach things together.
- Thousand island sosu
- Bin adalar sosu, doğranmış soğan ve turşu karşımının mayonez ve ketçapla süslenmesi ile yapılan salata türü
- Her biri
- Her birine
- Herkes
- Teker teker
- Adam başına
- Her, her bir
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
thousand thousand thousand and onethousand and one excusesthousand and one nightsthousandthousand foldthousand island dressingthousand island sosuthousand timesthouthou doestthou ile eceksinthou shaltthou shalt not coveteacheach additional wordeach and everyeach and every oneeach dayeach dot representseach montheach nighteach of theseeach of useac