third baron rayleigh ne demek?
- Ãçüncü Baron Rayleigh, John William Strutt Rayleigh, Lord Rayleigh (1842-1919), İngiliz fizikçi, en önemli gazların yoğunluklarını araştırması ve argon elementini keşfinden dolayı 1904 Nobel Fizik Ãdülü sahibi
- Üçüncü
- Üçte bir
- Müz
- Üçüncü, üçte bir
- Üçüncü enternasyonal, Komintern, tüm dünyadaki Komünist grupları birleştirmek için Moskova'da kurulan uluslararası örgüt (1919-1943)
- Batı ülkelerinde vikont ile şövalye arasında soyluluk unvanı
Title or degree of nobility; originally, the possessor of a fief, who had feudal tenants under him; in modern times, in France and Germany, a nobleman next in rank below a count; in England, a nobleman of the lowest grade in the House of Lords, being next below a viscount.
The two legs and saddle cooked as a unit.
Baro, varo: Latin vir, a man - Webster German bar, a man: beran, to carry - Skeat The man - one able to bear arms; one bound to render service to the king 1 Bl Com 398-99 A lord; a husband.
Territorial Baron is a lord who has been chosen to serve as ceremonial head for his Barony, either by himself or with a Baroness A Court Baron is a lord who has been given this title by the Crown.
Feudal lord See also fief.
Husband; as, baron and feme, husband and wife.
Very wealthy or powerful businessman; 'an oil baron' a British peer of the lowest rank a nobleman of varying rank.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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