theoretic vitues ne demek?
- Fikri erdemler
- Düşünerek meydana getirilen şey.
- Düşünce ile ilgili.
- Düşünülerek oluşturulan.
- Fikre ait.
- Thought, belief, concept, idea, opinion, mind, advice, suggestion, attitude, cogitation, conceit, conception, estimation, hint, impression, inspiration, notion, position, thinking, verdict, view, voice, sentiments.
theoretic ical
- Nazariyeye ait, nazari, kuramsal
theoretic kuramsal
- Teorik
- Otomobillerin çekiş ve hızını ayarlamaya yarayan dişliler düzeni.
- Bk. alıcı hızı
- Gear.
- Speed.
- Transmission.
- Gears.
- Gearshift.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
theoretic icaltheoretic kuramsaltheoretictheoreticaltheoretical accounttheoretical arrival timetheoretical coursestheoretical distribution functiontheoretical economicstheoretical frequenciestheoremtheorem of sinestheorem of tangentstheorem of the cosinetheorem schemavituperablevituperatevituperationvituperativevituperative and disagreeable temperamentvitavita apostolicavitagonistvitalvital boya