theater owner ne demek?
- Tiyatrocu
- Tiyatro oyuncusu.
- Tiyatro işleten, tiyatro sahibi kimse.
Theater owner.
theater of operations
- Operasyonlar sahnesi, savaş alanı, operasyonların gerçekleştirildiği yer
theater of the absurd
- Absürd tiyatrosu, saçmalık tiyatrosu, absürd durumlar üzerine odaklanmış drama stili
- Kiraya veren, sahip, mal sahibi
- Sahip mal sahibi
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
theater of operationstheater of the absurdtheater of wartheater curtaintheater gamestheater in our timestheater makeup mantheater nursetheatertheater reviewtheataramatheatheaceaetheanthropictheanthropicalthearchyownerowner occupationowner occupierowner of a houseowner of a newspaperowner of registered markownerlessowners guideownershipownership accountsownedowned in commonownown s.t. in commonown toown upown up to