the union ne demek?

  1. Birlik, Amerika BirleşŸik Devletleri

the unit of capacitance

  1. Farad

the unit of loudness

  1. Sone


  1. Federasyon
  2. Evlilik, kavuşma
  3. Amerikan iç savaşı zamanmda Kuzey hükümetine bağlı olan
  4. İttifak, dernek
  5. Güney Afrika Birliği
  6. Birleşme, bağlaşma
  7. Birlik
  8. Sendika
  9. Bir bayragın köşesinde bulunan birliğe mensubiyet belirtisi

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

the unit of capacitancethe unit of loudnessthe united arab emiratesthe united city of jerusalemthe united kibbutzthe unbearable lightness of beingthe unconsciousthe undermentionedthe underprivilegedthe undersidethe ugly ducklingthe ukthe ukrainethe ultimate collection of winsock softwarethe ultimate deterrentthethe 1967 bordersthe 1st cervical vertebrathe 2004 tsunamithe 80 20 rulethe a teamthe abcthe abc powersthe ablativethe ablative caseththa sackthaithai boxingthai citizenunionunion acquisunion agreementunion axiomunion businessunion cardunion catalogunion contractunion dueunion flaguniouniocularunioküleruniuniaksiyaluniarticularuniartiküleruniat uniate
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