terminal ne demek?
- Otobüs, uçak vb. taşıtların yolcularını ilk aldığı veya son bıraktığı yer
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Town lying at the end of a railroad; more properly called a terminus.
Station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods a contact on an electrical device at which electric current enters or leaves electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and display causing or ending in or approaching death; 'a terminal patient'; 'terminal cancer' relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time; 'terminal examinations'; 'terminal payments' of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route; 'freight pickup is a terminal service'; 'terminal charges'.
Point of entry to a multi-user server like dale or chip or bullwinkle; terminal-emulator programs allow individual computers to connect to servers and manipulate mail or read news without actually interacting as equals; for example, the mail you read using the Pine program doesn't actually reside on your desktop computer until you execute the commands that move it over to your physical location With full Ethernet connections the interactions will be tighter and more flexible: an instructor in Voorhies could leave the office computer on and log into it from home, and thence move around the network backbone with ease.
Device that slows you to send commands to a compute somewhere else At a minimum, this usually means a keyboard and a display screen and some simple circuitry Usually you will use terminal software in a personal computer - the software pretends to be a physical terminal and allows you to type commands to a computer somewhere else.
Device connected to a computer network that acts as a point for entry or retrieval of information Personal computers can be made to act as network terminals, by running terminal emulation programs.
Station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods.
Contact on an electrical device at which electric current enters or leaves.
Electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and display.
Being or situated at an end; 'the endmost pillar'; 'terminal buds on a branch'; 'a terminal station'; 'the terminal syllable'.
Of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route; 'freight pickup is a terminal service'; 'terminal charges'.
Relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time; 'terminal examinations'; 'terminal payments'.
Occurring at or forming an end or termination; 'his concluding words came as a surprise'; 'the final chapter'; 'the last days of the dinosaurs'; 'terminal leave'.
Causing or ending in or approaching death; 'a terminal patient'; 'terminal cancer'.
Of or pertaining to the end or extremity; forming the extremity; as, a terminal edge.
Growing at the end of a branch or stem; terminating; as, a terminal bud, flower, or spike.
That which terminates or ends; termination; extremity.
Either of the ends of the conducting circuit of an electrical apparatus, as an inductorium, dynamo, or electric motor, usually provided with binding screws for the attachment of wires by which a current may be conveyed into or from the machine; a pole.
Pertaining to a railroad terminal; connected with the receipt or delivery of freight; as, terminal charges.
The end of a line of railroad, with the switches, stations, sheds, and other appliances pertaining thereto.
Any station for the delivery or receipt of freight lying too far from the main line to be served by mere sidings.
Rate charged on all freight, independent of the distance, and supposed to cover the expenses of station service, as distinct from mileage rate, generally proportionate to the distance and intended to cover movement expenses; a terminal charge.
Device that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else At a minimum, this usually means a keyboard and a display screen and some simple circuitry Usually you will use terminal software in a personal computer - the software pretends to be a physical terminal and allows you to type commands to a computer somewhere else.
Device that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else At a minimum, this usually means a keyboard and a display screen and some simple circuitry and is often referred to as a Dumb terminal - as in it cannot so any processing itself Usually you will use terminal software in a personal computer - the software pretends to be a physical terminal and allows you to type commands to a computer somewhere else.
Monitor and keyboard attached to a computer, used for data entry and display Unlike a personal computer, a terminal does not have its own CPU or hard disk.
Device or software program that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else This can be only a keyboard and a display screen In DNC applications this is a screen in software that emulates a physical terminal and allows you to type commands to a computer or CNC machine With a terminal you can see all the characters that are being sent and received This is very useful in establishing initial communications with CNC machines.
Device that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else At a minimum, this usually means a keyboard and a display screen an some simple circuitry Usually you will use terminal software in a personal computer- the software pretends to be a physical terminal and allows you to type commands to a computer somewhere else.
Computer Workstation linked to a Server or other computer over a Network on which a user may display information When it is merely a video display, it may be referred to as a 'Dumb Terminal'.
Device, usually a display monitor and a keyboard, used to communicate with the computer.
Device that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else A minimun would be a keyboard and display screen and some simple circuitry On a PC it is software that emulates a terminal allowing you to type commands to another computer.
Device that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else At a minimum, this usually means a keyboard and a display screen and some simple circuitry Usually you will use terminal software in a personal computer -- the software pretends to be a physical terminal and allows you to type commands to a computer somewhere else.
An electronic device for communicating with a computer ; a terminal usually has a keyboard and a display screen and/or printer.
Device that provides a keyboard and display screen Characters typed at the keyboard are transferred to a host computer system, and characters sent from the host system are displayed on the screen.
Although not as prevalent in recent years due to the rise of the PC, terminals are still in use in some places A terminal is a simple device with a keyboard, a screen, a connection to a data network and no CPU The sole function of a terminal is to rel ay commands from a user via the keyboard and then display output via the screen.
Screen and keyboard connected to a computer somewhere else The terminal doesn't run Unix and all those neat programs itself, it just lets you use the computer that does.
Computer input/output device which allows a person to interactively communicate with the computer Most terminals have typewriter style keyboards and a CRT screen for displaying your commands and the computer responses Real 'terminals' are rare these days; most people use personal computers running terminal programs now.
This is a machine that allows you to send commands to a remote computer This usually requires at least a minimum of a keyboard and display This will usually use terminal software, which emulates a physical terminal One such software, known as X-Win, brings up an xterm so the user can see and do processes on the remote machine This is the mechanism that allows you to put in commands to a computer that is in a remote location These consoles can be broken up in three different categories; intelligent, smart, and dumb A dumb-terminal is one that has no processing power A smart-terminal has some, but limited processing power A smart-terminal has it's own full-blown processor and memory, and is capable of a lot of processing An example where these machines are used is on a server, where there is terminals set up to access the various servers.
Device that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else At a minimum, this usually means a keyboard and a display screen and some simple circuitry Using telnet, for example, you do not have to be at the console of the computer you wish to use - the software pretends to be a physical terminal and allows you to type commands to the other computer.
Device that works as a client of a central computer or host in a network It may simply consist of a keyboard and a video monitor or of a complete microcomputer using a special terminal emulation software In this case, it is called an intelligent terminal.
This is a device that allows you to send commands to a computer somewhere else At minimum, this is usually means a keyboard and a display screen and some simple circuitry.
Combination of a keyboard and monitor, which together provide the capability to interact with a computer system.
Data terminal , terminal.
- ), (i.) uçta veya sonda olan veya bunlara ait
- Dal veya sapın ucunda bulunan
- Demiryolunun başına ait
- Belirli zamanlarda meydana gelen
- Ölümle sonuçlanan
- Uç, nihayet, bağlantı
- Terminal
- Kutup, terminal
- Demiryolu başı ile ona bağlı makas ile istasyon ve depolar
- Tırabzan başında bulunan süs
- Kompütöre bağlı yazı makinası ve benzeri
- Son, uç, terminal, gar, son durak, son hece, sonek, kutup [elek.]
Terminus: son
- Taşıma dizgesinin çalışmasıyla, taşıtların durup yolcu ve yük indirip yüklemeleriyle ilgili her türlü kolaylıkların ve yapıların bulunduğu yer.
terminal access control system plus
- AAA protokolü öncelikli olarak dialup bağlantı yönetimi için kullanılır.
terminal aerodrome
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