tempo ne demek?
- Bir müzik parçasındaki bölümlerin hızlarını belirtmek için kullanılan kelime, vuruş.
- Gidiş, ilerleyiş, gelişme hızı, tarz
Maiyetindekiler onun çalışma temposuna yetişemezlerdi.
H. Taner - Vücut alıştırmalarının belirli süre içinde tekrarlanma hızı.
- Vücut alıştırmalarının belirli süre içinde yinelenme hızı.
- Bk. dizem
The rate of speed at which a musical composition is performed Tempo is indicated by a tempo marking , which describes the general speed of a piece or section Allegro , andante and adagio are common tempo markings.
The speed of a piece of music.
The speed at which a Musical Instrument Digital Interface file is played Tempo is measured in beats per minute ; typical MIDI tempo is 120 BPM See also Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
The speed at which music is played, designated in measures per minute and the number of beats per measure, or in beats per minute.
How fast a piece of music goes How many beats, or pulses, there are in a minute.
The speed of the music: Slow, Medium, Fast normally measured by the number of beats per minute.
The speed, at which a tune is played, measured in BPM.
The speed of a piece.
Term referring to how fast or how slow a piece is played which is quantified in beats per minute.
Rate of speed or pace of music Tempo markings are traditionally given in Italian; common markings include: grave ; largo ; adagio ; andante ; moderato ; allegro ; vivace ; presto ; accelerando ; ritardando ; and a tempo.
The chess equivalent to time involving moving pieces and keeping the initiative An example of a lost tempi is moving a piece twice in the opening before developing the rest of the army When moving a piece twice, the opponent is said to 'gain a tempi' because he can take that extra move and secure his position, have a lead in development or begin an attack.
Beats per minute, as would be determined by a metronome [NOTE: Some Europeans use the term 'tempo' to refer to what in English is more correctly called Pace.
Clip , pace , speed , tempo , time.
The rate or degree of movement in time.
The speed at which a composition is to be played the rate of some repeating event.
The speed at which a composition is to be played.
The rate of some repeating event.
The speed of music.
The speed of a musical piece Henry Reed discusses tempo in his performance of a clog, pointing out that the tempo should be moderate to enable the dancers to keep up with the music.
The rate of speed in a musical work.
The rate of speed at which a musical composition is to be performed.
The rate of speed at which a musical composition proceeds Usually uses a quarter note as the timing reference.
The rate at which the music moves measured in Beats Per Minute.
The speed of a musical passage or composition.
Speed or pace of dance or music; the use of slower and faster beats and steps.
The speed at which a piece or passage of music is played.
- Tempo
- Ritim.
- Bir film ya da televizyon izlencesinde, anlatımdan dolayı ortaya çıkan yavaşlık ya da hızlılık duygusu.
tempo marking meaning broad
- Largo
tempo ölçer