synovial sheath ne demek?
- İçinden kiriş geçen bir kemik çukurunu örten zar
- Sinovyal kılıf
- Sinovya zarı
synovial cell
- Sinoviyal hücre
synovial chondroma
- Sinovyal kondromatozis
- Kılıf
- Kaplama, elitra, prezervatif, kaput
- Kın
- Mahfaza, zarf
- Düz ve dar elbise
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
synovial cellsynovial chondromasynovial fluidsynovial membranesynovialsynoviasynovectomysynodsynodic periodSynodontis angelicusSynodontis nigroventrissynonimsheathsheath knifesheath rotsheathesheathe the swordsheathedsheathed stalksheathersheathingsheathing leafsheatfishsheashea buttersheafsheaf of cornsheaf of fire