swear it is so ne demek?
- Vallahi
- "Tanrı'yı tanık tutarım, Tanrı hakkı için" anlamında bir yemin sözü, billahi, tallahi
- By God.
- Swear it is so.
- Swear it's true.
- For the life of me.
- By jingo.
swear in
- Yeminle işe başlatmak, yemin töreniyle başlatmak
swear into
- Yeminle işe başlatmak, yemin töreniyle başlatmak
- Köpek
- Değersiz, terbiyesiz kimse
- Bastard.
- Information Technology.
- Information Technology Former name of Information and Educational Technology.
- Information Technology - see ICT.
- Instructional Technology or Information Technology; ITC workshops that focus on networking and hardware mechanics.
- Short for Information Technology, it is concerned with all aspects of managing and processing information.
- Information Technology Sometimes used as a synonym for the computer professionals in an organization Also sometimes known as IS or DP.
- Information Technology - a term that encompasses all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange, and use information in its various forms.
- Dumanın değdiği yerde bıraktığı kara leke
- Yakıtın tam yanmamasından oluşan, dumanla yükselen kömürleşmiş tanecikler.
- Sürme (II).
- Yanma odalarında ya da ateşliklerin üstünde, yakıtın yanması sonucu biriken kurum.
- Bkz. sürme
- Soot.
- Black.
- Smut.
- Lampblack.
- Stands for Information System.