supreme commander ne demek?
- Başkumandan
- Başkomutan.
- Bk. başkomutan
Supreme commander.
supreme command
- Başkomutanlık
supreme court
- Anayasa mahkemesi
- Yüksek mahkeme
- Yüce divan
- Yargıtay
- Temyiz mahkemesi
- Kumandan, komutan
- Önder, baş
- Deniz binbaşısı
- Komutan, kumandan, amir, şef, tarikat şefi
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
supreme commandsupreme courtsupreme court of appealsupreme court of judicaturesupremesupreme authoritysupreme beingsupreme defense committeesupreme headquarterssupreme military commandsupremasupremacysuprasupra aditif etkileşmesupra diagonalsupra thresholdsupraadditive effectcommandercommander in chiefcommander komutancommander of the armycommander of the faithfulcommandershipcommanderycommandeercommandcommand and controlcommand and control communication systemcommand and control information systemcommand areacommacomma accentcomma alignmentcomma alignment tabcomma bacillus