storing business ne demek?
- Depoculuk
- Depocunun yaptığı iş.
- Warehousing.
- Storage business.
- Storage operation.
- Storekeeping.
- Storing business.
- Trade of storing.
- Warehouse company / concern.
- Warehouse line.
- Warehousing business.
- Depolayarak
- Yüklemek, depolamak, doldurmak, hafızaya almak, akılda tutmak, içermek, ardiyeye koymak
storing of feedstuff oils
- Yemlik yağların depolanması
- İş
- Ticarethane, firma
- İş yeri
- Ticaret
- Faaliyet, görev, alım satım
- Meslek, vazife
- Mesele, problem, konu
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
storingstoring of feedstuff oilsstoriedstoriettestorstor kapakstor kapaklıstorablestoragestostoastoacıstoacı etikstoacılıkbusinessbusiness activitybusiness activity statementbusiness administrationbusiness administratorbusiness agentbusiness agreementbusiness applicattonbusiness assetsbusiness barometersbusidebusidenbusierbusiestbusily