storing business ne demek?

  1. Depoculuk


  1. Depocunun yaptığı iş.
  2. (en)Warehousing.
  3. (en)Storage business.
  4. (en)Storage operation.
  5. (en)Storekeeping.
  6. (en)Storing business.
  7. (en)Trade of storing.
  8. (en)Warehouse company / concern.
  9. (en)Warehouse line.
  10. (en)Warehousing business.


  1. Depolayarak
  2. Yüklemek, depolamak, doldurmak, hafızaya almak, akılda tutmak, içermek, ardiyeye koymak

storing of feedstuff oils

  1. Yemlik yağların depolanması


  1. İş
  2. Ticarethane, firma
  3. İş yeri
  4. Ticaret
  5. Faaliyet, görev, alım satım
  6. Meslek, vazife
  7. Mesele, problem, konu

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

storingstoring of feedstuff oilsstoriedstoriettestorstor kapakstor kapaklıstorablestoragestostoastoacıstoacı etikstoacılıkbusinessbusiness activitybusiness activity statementbusiness administrationbusiness administratorbusiness agentbusiness agreementbusiness applicattonbusiness assetsbusiness barometersbusidebusidenbusierbusiestbusily
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