stew meat ne demek?
- Yahni
- Kavrulmuş soğan ve salça ile pişirilen, sade veya sebzeli et yemeği.
Meat stew with onions.
Stew made with onions and tomatoes.
stew containing rice
- Salma
stew of lamb
- Kapama
- Önemli konu
- Yenecek et
- (eski) yemek, yiyecek şey
- Öz
- En büyük zevk
- Zevk
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
stew containing ricestew of lambstewstewardstewardessstewardingstewardshipstewardship of managementstewartstewedsteadstead ayıracıstead gevrekliğisteadfaststeadfast stedfastmeatmeat and peas enveloped in papermeat and rice croquettesmeat brothmeat cleavermeat combinemeat cooked in underground pit ovenmeat cut into morsel sized piecesmeat dishmeat dishesmeabmeabidmeadmeadibmeadin