sterilize ne demek?
- Bozulmasına yol açabilecek mikroorganizmalardan ve fermentlerden sterilizasyon yöntemiyle arınmış olan (ürün vb.).
- Kısırlaştırılmış.
- Steril.
To destroy all spores or germs in , as by heat, so as to prevent the development of bacterial or other organisms.
Make infertile; 'in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disbilites are sterilized' make free from bacteria.
Sterilizing is done to eliminate any microorganisms from contact with the beer as it is being made, to avoid spoilage It is accomplished by proper use of sterilizing solution and proper rinsing.
Make free from bacteria.
Make infertile; 'in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disbilites are sterilized'.
To make sterile or unproductive; to impoverish, as land; to exhaust of fertility.
To deprive of the power of reproducing; to render incapable of germination or fecundation; to make sterile.
What you do to your first baby's pacifier by boiling it and to your last baby's pacifier by blowing on it.
The use of a physical or chemical procedure to destroy all microbial life including highly resistant bacterial endospores.
To destroy microorganisms by heating with steam, dry heat, or by boiling in a liquid for 20 to 30 minutes.
To destroy microorganisms with boiling water, dry heat or steam.
To cleanse and purify through exposure to intense heat.
To neutralize all resistance in an area.
- [sterilize (Amer.) ] sterilize etmek, mikroplardan arındırmak, verimsizleştirmek, kısırlaştırmak
- İng) sterilize etmek, mikroplarını öldürmek
- Kısırlaştırmak, verimsiz hale getirmek
sterilize et
sterilize etme
- Bir ortamın, aygıt ve pansuman malzemelerinin her türlü mikroorganizmadan arındırılması için yapılan uygulama, sterilizasyon.