stained with urine ne demek?

  1. Sidikli


  1. Üstüne sidik bulaşmış bulunan.
  2. Sidiğini tutamayan, üstüne işeyen.
  3. (en)Stained with urine.
  4. (en)Unable to retain one´s urine, enuretic; (child) who wets the bed.


  1. Lekeli

stained glass

  1. Renkli cam, vitray


  1. İle birlikte
  2. Birlikte, beraber
  3. İle
  4. -den
  5. -e
  6. -e rağmen
  7. İle beraber
  8. Karşı
  9. Geri


  1. İdrar, sidik
  2. Bkz. ürin

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

stainedstained glassstained glass windowstainerstainstain tostainablestaidstaidlystaidnessstaight line depreciationstastabstab in the backstab s.o. in the backstab smb. in the backwithwith a bad reputationwith a batterywith a beardwith a beautiful voicewith a bedwith a crackling noisewith a crackling soundwith a crunchwith a crunching noisewitwitanwitchwitch doctorwitch hazel
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