ss ne demek?
- Nazi polis örgütü
- Tek iplikli genom yapısı.
- Bk. sayısal sinyal işleme
- Nazizm yanlısı olan kimse.
- Çekici kimse.
German member of Adolf Hitler's political party.
Relating to or consistent with or typical of the ideology and practice of Nazism or the Nazis; 'the total Nazi crime'; 'the Nazi interpretation of history'.
Relating to a form of socialism; 'the national socialist party came to power in 1933'.
German member of Adolf Hitler's political party relating to or consistent with or typical of the ideology and practice of Nazism or the Nazis; 'the total Nazi crime'; 'the Nazi interpretation of history'.
- Alman Sosyalist- Milliyetçi partisi üyesi, Hitler taraftarı, Nazi.
- Nazi
- Tek iplikli DNA'yı bağlayan protein.
ssb modulation
- tek yanbant kiplenimi