spectral concentration ne demek?

  1. Tayfsal yoğunluk


  1. Spektral
  2. Hayalet gibi, hayali, tayfla ilgili
  3. Hayalet kabilinden
  4. Hayal gücüne dayanan, hayali

spectral analysis

  1. Izgesel çözümleme


  1. Sıvının buharlaşarak yoğun hale gelmesi
  2. Toplanma, toplama
  3. Zihni bir noktaya toplama
  4. Yoğunlaşma, koyulaşma, kesafet
  5. Yoğunlaşma, konsantrasyon

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

spectralspectral analysisspectral anaysisspectral behaviourspectral classificationspectral congestionspectral densityspectral density functionspectral distribution curvespectral leakagespectraspectspectaclespectacledspectacled cobraspectacled warblerconcentrationconcentration areaconcentration campconcentration cellconcentration gradientconcentration of attentionconcentration of capitalconcentration of labourconcentration of powersconcentration of riskconcentratingconcentrateconcentrate by boilingconcentrate fish solutionconcentrate for infusionconcentrate for injection
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