species nova ne demek?
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species aggregate
- Türler yığını
species agrregate
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- Parlaklığı birden bire (on-onüç kadir) artan değişen yıldız.nova'lar başlangıçta yeni doğmuş yıldızlar sanılmıştır.
Such appearances are supposed to result from cosmic collisions, as of a dark star with interstellar nebulosities.
Star that ejects some of its material in the form of a cloud and become more luminous in the process.
New star, usually appearing suddenly, shining for a brief period, and then sinking into obscurity.
Star that abruptly increases in brightness by a factor of a million A nova is caused in a binary star system where hydrogen-rich material is transferred to the surface of a white dwarf until sufficient material and temperatures exist to kindle explosive nuclear fusion.
Star that flares up to several times its original brightness for some time before returning to its original state.
Star which suddenly becomes many times brighter than previously, and then gradually fades.
Star that explodes, temporarily increasing its brightness 100000 or more.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
species aggregatespecies agrregatespecies assemblagespecies diversityspecies groupspeciesspecies indeterminatespecies of treespecies puluralspecies richnessspeciespecie paymentsspecialspecial abilityspecial access linespecial accounting periodspecial additive rulenovanovaculaNovagenix Biyoanalitik novargannovaspirinnovasurolnovationnovnov.