soprano ne demek?
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The treble; the highest vocal register; the highest kind of female or boy's voice; the upper part in harmony for mixed voices.
The highest female vocal range, above alto.
The highest register of the female voice.
An alto with a superiority complex.
The highest vocal part, usually sung by women.
Singer, commonly a woman, with a treble voice.
The pitch range of the highest female voice the highest female voice; the voice of a boy before puberty a female singer having or denoting a high range; 'soprano voice'; 'soprano sax'; 'the boy still had a fine treble voice'; 'the treble clef'.
The highest female voice.
The highest range of voice The usual specified range is from E above middle C to the first G above the top line of the treble staff Some men can achieve the soprano range using Falsetto.
The high female voice which is then divided into different types, or fachs, ranging from the soubrette to dramatic , comprising in between: coloratura , lyric , spinto and combinations thereof The categories of lyric and dramatic carry over into designations of mezzosopranos, tenors and baritones.
Highest female or boy's voice The soprano section at Knox is usually made up of adult women.
The highest voice used in four part writing The traditional range of the soprano is C4 to G5.
Highest range voice, normally possessed by women or boys.
Highest range of human voice.
Female singer.
The highest female voice; the voice of a boy before puberty.
The pitch range of the highest female voice.
Having or denoting a high range; 'soprano voice'; 'soprano sax'; 'the boy still had a fine treble voice'; 'the treble clef'.
- Soprano, soprano sesli sanatçı
- (çoğ.- s, -ni), müz
soprano ses
soprano sesli sanatçı