sonuçlandırmak ne demek?
- Sonuca ulaştırmak, bitirmek, neticelendirmek, intaç etmek.
- Conclude.
- Bring to an issue.
- Accomplish.
- Finalize.
- Get through.
- Leave off.
- Put a period to.
- Snuff out.
- Decide.
- Effect.
- To bring to a conclusion.
- To conclude.
- To finish.
- Carry through.
- Tie up.
- Work out.
- Sonuçlandırmak işi, neticelendirme.
- Finalization.
- (neg. form of sonuçlandırmak) conclude, bring to an issue, accomplish, finalize, get through, leave off, put a period to, snuff out.