slogan ne demek?
- Kısa ve çarpıcı propaganda sözü, uran
Seçim öncesi sloganlarını bugün yinelemeye kalkacak olanları halk tükürük sağanağında boğabilir.
H. Taner - İng. Kısa ve te'sirli propaganda sözü.
Catch phrase.
Rallying cry.
Tag live.
Short set of words to help you remember something.
Do a good turn daily.
This is similar to a tie-breaker in that you have to create an original, apt and sometimes witty saying for a product or service There is usually a word limit so read the rules carefully For inspiration look at the company literature, logos, promotional material and try to capture the image they are trying to portray.
Sentence, phrase or word that is supposed to be a shorthand way of representing a person, group, concept, or product The difficulty with slogans is that they speak in absolutes, certain assumptions are implicit, and they offer no solutions.
Favorite saying of a sect or political group.
The war cry, or gathering word, of a Highland clan in Scotland; hence, any rallying cry.
Memorable phrase that says something positive about the business.
Catch phrase or small group of words that are combined in a special way to identify a product or company.
- Slogan, parola, reklam sloganı, savaş çığlığı [İsk.]
- Slogan, şiar, parola
- Harp nidası.
slogan atmak
- Yüksek sesle slogan söylemek.
Slagzin toeroepen.
- Slogan hazırlayan veya atan kimse.