ski pole ne demek?
- Kayak sopası.
- Kar, su veya çim üzerinde kaymak için ayağa takılan araç.
- Bu aracı kullanarak yapılan spor.
- Üç dört metre uzunluğunda ve yarım metre genişliğindeki, iskeletinin ağaçtan ya da balina kemiğinden yapıldığı, fok balığı derisiyle kaplı, tek kişilik Eskimo kayığı.
Light canoe, made of skins stretched over a frame, and usually capable of carrying but one person, who sits amidships and uses a double-bladed paddle.
Narrow covered boat, pointed on both ends, propelled by the rider paddling with an oar.
Small boat propelled with a double blade paddle, from a seated position Most kayaks are decked Kayaks are derived from the frame and sealskin hunting boats of the Arctic LR above: Polo BAT, 2 53m long; white water play boat , about 3 5m long; touring kayak, about 4 5m long; sea kayak, about 5 5 m long; sprint K1, 520cm long, 51 cm beam.
Type of fully-decked canoe The paddler is seated and uses a double-bladed paddle.
Small, decked watercraft usually paddled by one or sometimes two paddlers The paddler sits in the boat and paddles the craft with a double bladed paddle Based on the traditional watercraft of the native peoples of the North American Arctic.
It is peculiar to the Eskimos and other Arctic tribes.
Small canoe consisting of a light frame made watertight with animal skins; used by Eskimos travel in a small canoe; 'we kayaked down the river'.
ski poles
Ski sticks
ski pants
- Kayak pantalonu, kayak yaparken yapılan özel tip pantalon
- Bayrak direği, yelken direği
- Leh, Polonyalı
- Kutup
- Mıknatıs kutbu
- Birbirine zıt iki kuvvetten biri
- Zıt karakterli kimse
- Sırık, direk, kazık
- Beş metre boyunda bir uzunluk
- Bu uzunluğu ölçme aleti
- Olta kamışı