sitting room ne demek?
- Salon
- Bir evde konukları ağırlamakta kullanılan en geniş oda
- Toplantıların, kutlamaların, gösterilerin yapıldığı geniş yer.
- Dükkân, mağaza.
- Bk. seyir yeri
- Sinemanın, film gösterimini izleyenlere ayrılmış, sıra koltuklu, önde görüntülük, arkada gösterim odacığı, yanlarda çıkış kapıları, üstte balkonları bulunan geniş yeri.
An apartment for the reception of company; hence, in the plural, fashionable parties; circles of fashionable society.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, a government-sponsored exhibition named after a room in the Louvre where court painters exhibited their works.
Closed body style appellation first used by Cadillac with new 1915 V8 production; Fr word meaning 'lounge' or 'drawing room' In England the equivalent term was 'saloon'; the 'salon' gave way to the 'sedan' in America.
The official annual or biannual French art exhibition in nineteenth-century Paris organized by a body of judges who tended to award academic style and subjects.
Commercial establishment offering a product or service related to fashion.
sitting back from sth
- Içerlek
sitting bull
- (1834-1980) Sioux Kızılderili şefi ve Little Bighorn Savaşı'nda General Custer ve birliklerine karşı savaşanların lideri (ABD Tarihi)
- Oda
- Yer meydan
- Oturmak
- Oturmak, kalmak
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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