sinseng ne demek?
- Çin, Japonya, Kore vb. Uzak Doğu ülkelerinde yetişen, geleneksel tedavilerde kullanılan, kazık köklü, otsu ve çok yıllık bir bitki (Panax ginseng).
- Özellikle Panax ginseng (Asya ginsengi) ve Eleutherococcus senticosus (Sibirya ginsengi)' den elde edilen stresi ortadan kaldırmak amacıyla adaptojen olarak akciğer işlevlerini ve kan akımını artırıcı, hafızayı güçlendirici, toksinlerden arınmayı hızlandırıcı olarak ayrıca, yaşam süresini uzatmak ve hastalıklara karşı direnci artırmak için kullanılan bitkisel drog.
An herb , The most costly root, ginseng is a low-growing, shade-loving perennial herb of the Araliaceae family It is cultivated in China, Japan, Korea and Russia and can be taken in capsule form or as a tea The United States can also cultivate this root.
Chinese name for this sweet licorice-flavored root is 'human-shaped root' Ginseng is used in soups, for tea and as a medicinal Recent scientific discoveries have linked ginseng to the treatment of high blood pressure It's referred to as white ginseng when simply sun-dried.
Herb taken to boost energy.
Aromatic root of ginseng plants.
Plant of the genus Aralia, the root of which is highly valued as a medicine among the Chinese.
The Chinese plant has become so rare that the American has largely taken its place, and its root is now an article of export from America to China.
The root, when dry, is of a yellowish white color, with a sweetness in the taste somewhat resembling that of licorice, combined with a slight aromatic bitterness.
- Vücutları ayrı, başları yapışık ikiz fetüs.
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