si diyez ne demek?
si bemol
[si bémol] adj. B flat (Music).
- Gam dizisinde la ile do arasındaki ses.
- Bu sesi gösteren nota işareti.
- Silisyum elementinin simgesi.
- Silisyumun simgesi.
Syllable applied, in solmization, to the note B; more recently, to the seventh tone of any major diatonic scale.
It was added to Guido's scale by Le Maire about the end of the 17th century.
International System of Units.
Systeme International The international system of unit measurement.
The International System of Units, which is based on seven fundamental quantities: the meter , kilogram , second , kelvin , ampere , mole , and candela.
The International symbol for the metric unit used by the United States.
- Bir sesin yarım ton inceltileceğini gösteren nota işareti.
- Yarım ton inceltilmiş (ses).
- Fa diyez.